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Costs Conscious

  • Mairead is an Independent Candidate, not affiliated with any political party and not funded.  Mairead is keeping her campaign minimal and sustainable.
  • As a first time candidate Mairead does not wish to seek any donations.  While it is allowed for candidates to seek donations in elections here, Mairead is conscious about wasting money on extravagant campaign PR, paid Advertising and printing leaflets etc,..  Also if elected, Senator is a paid role.
  • Mairead does not have any go fund me or any political donations via website and is transparent on election costs.  See Election costs to date below.
  • Mairead is doing her own PR, Website Admin and Socials herself at minimum cost, domain name and website hosting.
  • Mairead recommends Digital Campaigns and an electronic comms ‘option’ for future expanded HEA constituency elections, instead of postal at present which has climate and cost impacts. It would be useful if there is an option on the new Seanadvoter for choosing electronic correspondence or postal preference for Campaign information from Candidates.
  • Seanadvoter accepts email address currently (email is mandatory).  Currently this is only used to process the HEA new constituency application only.
  • The Ballot paper will always be sent by registered post to the electorate in Ireland and worldwide. This is in force as polling stations would be more expensive. A secure electronic voting system technology in parallel would benefit voters and increase voter participation.
  • The current NUI electorate is 112,815 and TCD is 75K. When voting expands to the new HEA Constituency from 01 June 2025, the electorate will increase significantly, including ‘all degree holders’ as is right for all to have a vote. Therefore, the electorate may quadruple or more. Therefore multiple candidates printing costs will also expand! Leaflets go in recycling bins or waste and are not good for the environment.  Litirs become litter very quickly. Email communication of candidate literature would require an opt-in from voters for GDPR consent.  The information is already online on NUI website, candidate websites and socials. The Leaflets in post are duplication, expense for candidates to print and go into waste/bins.
  • Mairead has a Digital Flyer The graphic artwork has been very kindly provided free with no charge from contemporary Dublin artist Sean Atmos.
  • An Post do ‘post’ candidate leaflet/letters to the electorate free of charge under the Litir um Thoghchán scheme for elections, however candidates have to individually pay for printing if they wish to send to the 112,815 electorate. Printing costs Thousands of Euro and isn’t sustainable.  See also update from Environmental Protection Agency.
  • Mairead decided not to print due to cost – Over €4,000 quoted for leaflets print for 112,815 electorate.
  • Mairead is digital (no leaflets printed or sent in post to 112.815 electorate). All info is at  Mairead’s flyer Design is by DWM Cards Donamon, Roscommon a local option and is available at Digital Flyer.
  • Seanadvoter deadline for new registrations for HEA is 23 Jan 2025.  New registrations will take effect from 1 June 2025, not for the current Jan 2025 election.
  • For Future expanded HEA Constituency Elections Mairead suggests implementation of a secure Digital Voting option (Mairead to propose a viable solution) for voters abroad and in Ireland to use as alternative and or complement existing postal voting so we improve representation (only 34% electorate voted in 2020) and also meet the voters needs who are graduates, online and digitally progressive. We have the technology and we’re a digital country. It’s 2025 not 1995!
  • For Future expanded HEA Constituency Elections (which could have electorate 1 million registered voters) Mairead suggests mandate no election campaign leaflets to reduce waste from millions of printed paper candidate (times the number of candidates sending them via post) leaflets around the world, increased climate awareness, carbon reduction, cost which end up in bins. This is avoidable duplication of material already online, accessible via University’s webpages, candidate webpages and socials.  Many voters currently complain about influx of leaflets which they then have to dispose of. Neither is there any opt out of candidate literature for voters, candidates can send this under the Electoral Acts.  See Section 6 at Electoral Commision FAQ. Each individual candidate is entitled by law to send these leaflets.
  • Under Section 57 of the Electoral Act 1992, each candidate in a Dáil election is entitled to send, free of charge for postage, one postal communication to each person on the Register of Electors for the constituency they are running in. These leaflets are known as Litir um Thoghcháin. Under the Communications Regulation (Postal Services) Act, 2011, An Post is designated as the postal provider for Litir um Thoghcháin. Postage is provided free of charge but candidates have to pay for the design and printing.
    Your local authority will provide An Post with a copy of the up-to-date electoral register.  An Post arranges the register to remove your first name and surname leaving just your address. This postal data is then supplied by An Post to selected printers who print and address the Litir um Thoghcháin on behalf of political parties and independent candidates.
  • Read more information regarding An Post’s role in printing and sending Litir um Thoghcháin.
  • Mairead’s Election Campaign Spend (own money) to Date: Total €700 (This includes €170 for the electoral database, Flyer Design & Dublin travel costs).  

The Electoral Commission video of how to vote in the Seanad Universities election click here