• Mairead will support the implementation of ‘EU Pay Transparency Directive’ 2023/970′ of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 May 2023 to strengthen the application of the principle of equal pay for equal work or work of equal value between men and women through pay transparency and enforcement mechanisms.
• Mairead believes while gender quotas have greatly increased female participation, Women are as equally empowered and capable as Men. Women should not be held back or constrained by quotas or considered or promoted only because of quota and statistical needs. Quotas can imply inferiority and are sometimes used in condescending manners which may not be intended, we never say we need 60% Males, it’s often gender quota 40% Females target. Gender Balance is 50:50 not quota ideology or percentages, it’s about achieving necessary equality for diversity and balance in terms of thinking and decision making to bring out the best results while also understanding the complexities and needs of each business.
• Mairead has four brothers and one sister and studied engineering in UCD with 1:10 female to male students, where we were all more than equals at home and in college. In Law we are seeing greater female participation than males in colleges and work, which is an example of female empowerment in practice, and striving to improve the Laws and represent others.
• Every individual is equal regardless of gender or sexual orientation, we are all just humans at end of the day. Mairead has LGBTQ friends and family and is pro-equality and human rights for all humans.
• Mairead is pro-choice and pro-personal autonomy. Women can decide what is best for their lives. See Irish Constitution Fundamental rights.
• Contentions seem to arise in work scenarios mainly due to promotions, pay and income levels.Mairead is in favour of achieving gender balance that works for all industries, embracing our differences with focus on positives rather than negatives and equality. Mairead would initiate any amendments necessary to address Pay Gaps, Gender gaps, and achieve equal pay regardless of gender in relation to bonuses, equity partners and pensions enhancing the existing Gender Pay Gap Information 2021 Act.