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Housing Less Homelessness

• Mairead will advocate for inclusion in Government Manifestos and actions to reduce and progress emergency actions.

• Homelessness must be on everyone’s agenda for advocacy and to provide the necessary supports, please see the current stats and trends for Homelessness Statistics and Figures Ireland (Focus Ireland) here.

• In 2021 all European Union member states committed to the Lisbon Declaration to ‘work towards ending homelessness by 2030here. The Focus Ireland proposal to tackle long-term homelessness requires focus and actions by Government, please see recommendations here. Mairead would advocate and support implementation of all necessary proposals and legislation to reduce homelessness for singles, families and children in Ireland.

• Bring more Vacant and Derelict properties into the market.  Second hand housing has dropped 15% a year on year and 20% down in Cork. The current Vacant Property Refurbishment Grant requirement that the property is vacant for 2 years should to be reduced to 12 months and apply to any property (not only properties built before 2008) to allow more uptake.  Proof of no Utility readings can be used to prove vacancy and there is also support from Vacant Homes Ireland.  There are vacant home officers in every county who are very helpful and responsive.

Grants available include of up to €50,000 to renovate a vacant property and up to €70,000. if the property is derelict. The grants for Derelict need to be enhanced to factor in any cost to remediate any structural issues.  €70,000 is inadequate for many derelict properties.

• Finance and Grant drawdowns after costs are expended is not working!  People don’t have the extra finances to pay and then reclaim the grants after long time to complete the actual works!  This puts burden and stress on people to seek bridging loans from Credit Institutions ‘Home Renovation Loans’ and/or Local Authority Home Loans. The vacant and derelict grants should be drawn down in stages in advance of approved cost expenditure not post works completed. This is also a major deterrent to undertaking a vacant or derelict renovation project. This needs to be aligned with Self builds where mortgage funds are drawn down in stages for the costs needed.  Self-builders can draw down their cash via mortgage in up to six stages, in line with the budget needed and approved for mortgage funds, as the home is being built and can borrow only what is needed for each build stage. Mairead was a self-builder herself and understands the pressure to have the necessary finances and drawdowns in place to complete the works and pay the relevant workers and sub-contractors involved.

• We must also address difficulties securing mortgages for older properties requiring substantial renovation with Banks and Credit Institutions.

• See also vacant housing in Sligo here in particular Swan Point, abandoned since it was built in 2004. It has 77 one and two bedroom apartments which have been never lived in.  The owner now wish to turn it into hotel rooms and retail space.

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